Sunday, July 29, 2007

this weekend was a very busy one...went to s' brothers,WWE show..u know..but i was there to shop!!!shoes..bags!!here i come..i bought a fab leather bag..n a pair of wedges..i ended up going to the show as well..which was fun..!the drama..all in the name of wrestling..saw some famous faces was good...all good!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

yesterday, i went to GUESS in bangsar..there was a sale..there were also three very very annoying girls who entered to shop screeching abt the sale..for heavens was just a small sale..that was only the beginning..the shop wasnt as big as wish it could have been..every five seconds, i could hear the word..'babe'...'babe, tengok wallet ini, 78 saja lar..'..'babe this,babe that..babe,babe,babe'!!!!arrrghhhh...
i was terribly annoyed..didnt they have names?gosh!and they were actually running around the shop like little kids with really bad manners in a cnady make it all worst, they would push past u first then say excuse me...i just want the slap the stupid out if them!!!!!!!!!

today...i got my harry potter book..guess what??harry doesnt die!but in the first few chapters, hedwig dies, mad-eye dies and george losses a year!....

Monday, July 16, 2007 a harry potter big deal..i love the books, the whole idea of a magicial world..i cant wait for saturday..the final book is coming out..yay!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

for the ladies!

Come on ladies, be truthful!
1. Do you ever lie about your age?- im still need 2!

2. Do you prefer "sensitive boys"or "tough guys"?- a lil bit of both...

3. Do you prefer blonde or darkhaired guys?- i dun really care..

5. How many things in your past doyou regret?- not many

6. Do you have a best friend?- yes...

7. What do you want to be when yougrow up?- im grown up!a good person

8. Who was the last person youhugged?- i dun remember

9. Have you ever had your heartbroken?- Yes

10. Have you ever thought abouthaving plastic surgery?- not at all

11. Do you like your life?- most of it

12. Do you shop at Hollister?- im wearing a hollister tshirt right now!

13. Has one of your friends everstolen a bf from you?- emm

14. Has one of your friends everstabbed you in the back?-eah

16. Do you have more friends that aregirls or boys?- galfrens..

17. How long have you had friendster?- a long time

18. Have you ever cheated on someone?- no

19. Has anyone ever cheated on you?- no

20. Have you ever slapped a boy inthe face?- i'm going to soon

.21. What is one of your biggestfears?- failure..

22. Have you ever skipped class?- yes

23. Has anyone close to you everpassed away?- no

24. Have you ever cried yourself tosleep?- yeah

25. Have you ever not been able toget someone out of your head?- definetly
26. Do you believe in thesaying "oncea cheater, always a cheater"?- to a certain extent
27.have you ever had a good feelingabout something and it turned out youwere right?-yes..always trust ur gut feeling!

28. Do you ever wish you were famous?- nope

29. Do u ever wish u were a man?- nolar..

30. Do you think any men will openthis just because it's labeled "TheFemale survey"?- i will bet on that!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Make a difference...

i care abt our enviroment im gonna try to make those around me as enviroment concious as they should be. people, global warming is a serious issue. the things we do everyday is slowly killing earth as the days go may not think its a matter that deserves your attention but trust me it person will make a difference... more heat can damage our health on a very large scale...hurricanes, storms and even a massive flood is at risk it is only right that we do something abt it!


- 15 miles less driving per week eliminates 900 pounds of carbon dioxide per year? now u do, so drive less!

-Unplug. Your electric meter is often adding up kilowatt hours when you don’t think you’re using an appliance. Unplug toasters and cell phone and other chargers when they’re not in use. Don't use air fresheners that have to be plugged in.

-Use energy-efficient lights. Changing just one 75-watt bulb to a compact fluorescent light cuts roughly 1,300 pounds of global warming pollution. They also last up to 15 times as long and save you money.

- you can always plant something!! (anything..)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

my deepest condolences to a friend of mine who lost her mum yesterday...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

me and lizzie...!!!cute not..??the dog k..not me..hahahahhahaha..ive got ntg better to do..thats y!


i want!!!!so nice!! touch screen!!! im was not impressed by all the latest nokia phones but this one..amazing..takes the idea of a handphone to another level..pricey though...abt a thousand plus..not that bad considering all the functions! it looks really good too..

Sunday, July 1, 2007

how enviromental friendly are you?do u recycle??do u take ur phone charger off the plug after ur battery's full? is u room entirely air conditioned? thats only the beginning not an enviromentalist through n through but i do my part, no matter how small that room does not have air con..i do take my charger out..i switch the tap off wen im brushing my teeth..
global warming is not like poverty..we cannot fix it one it happens..all we can do now is try to prevent it!! it might not seem like the most important thing now..but it is..people have been talking abt global warming for years but no one has been bothered to listen! do something will make a they say..GO GREEN!