Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i love the song-fight for this love,everyline is so true! anyways, i havent had the time to tell all of my friends this but pls dont get pissed at me for not telling u guys in person, it has all been happening so fast- i am moving to hong kong to be with my family. i made that decision literally 2 days ago and im leaving this sat bt i will be back on the 9th before the final move.
That means i wont be able to see you when you come down[Im sorry:(] i will be making a trip to penang to see all my friends and for those who are in kl..I will lunch will ALL of you before i leave for sure k..*promise*
I am going to miss so many people here, i am going to miss my job since the ppl there have been awfully nice to me.
you guys are probably wondering why i made this decision,ok here goes, last fri i had difficulty breathing so i rushed myself to the hospital,turns out i have bronchitis plus some sort of bacterial infection in my my mum came rushing back and thus my decision to move,do the hk bar and practice there. i will come back someday,for sure.
it saddens me deeply to leave but a part of me is relieved that i will be with my to AA,AL,CM,RS,DW,CC,DS,BA-i will miss u guys the most!but the good times will continue some day..!*Lotsa love and hugs*