Tuesday, January 12, 2010

12 days into the new year and my year has given me nothing to jump out and about,just yet. I am looking forward to the chinese new year hols,no,not cos i celebrate but cos my family will be back in malaysia!and annu is coming back too..yay!now,thats something to look forward to ,dontcha think?
My days have been mediocre,blah sometimes. Anyways,the guitarist from MJ's This is It,rocks. Her single According to you is kickass. Her name is Orianthi by the way.

What has been going on so far in the political world doesnt deserve a mention in my blog as i am appalled by the mockery some are allowed to make out of our legal system. I am not one for ISA but where is it when its desperately needed? With that said, i wont comment on it any further!